  • Allows you to access all of CompuOffice software(s) from anywhere in the world.
  • Allow access to office staff according to the right assigned to them.
  • Clients can be given limited access to view their computation etc.
  • Option to restrict office staff to access software(s) from outside office premises.
  • Audit staff can access software from client premises and prepare computation or balance sheet online.
Difference between CompuWeb & Team Viewer
Comparison points CompuWeb Team Viewer/Remote access software
Operation Very Easy to operate Not so easy
Session id No need to ask session id before using it. Session id and password are must
Person at remote station No need to interact with person at remote station Person required at remote station to get session id and password otherwise it cannot be used. It may be possible that at the time of utmost need, the person is not available and work can suffer.
Disconnection No disconnection on use for long duration Disconnect at irregular interval of time creating loss of concentration.
Pricing Very low price as compares to remote station software Very highly priced
Computer usage Working can be done simultaneously on remote computer and server Working cannot be done on both computer together
Speed Speed high Disconnect at irregular interval of time creating loss o connection.
Security of data Data cannot be copied Data can be copied.
User right User right can be defined. User right cannot be defined.